Porsche Annual Report 2022

The 2022 annual report of Porsche, the famous German automobile manufacturer that specializes in high-performance sports cars, does a masterful job combining their love of sports and automobiles.

The report is not only focused towards the shareholders – it’s focused on its consumers as well, providing details about the history of the company. The report begins with an interview with Oliver Blume and Lutz Meschke (chairman and deputy chairman of the company), respectively. The interview, combined with photographs of both men with basketballs, does a clear job explaining how they manage the company itself – with the same principles as one would lead a sports team.

The photographer is sadly uncredited in this report – unfortunate, since the photographs are what make the report interesting, by showcasing the wide ranges of cars available as well as Porsche’s work culture. The photographs exhibit strong, bold colours and textures, and the report is filled with photographs of the cars and of company events.

The report is easy to navigate – the dynamic links provided in the PDF allow us to switch between topics with ease, making the experience user-friendly. The infographics are not as colourful, but the sober red and blue tables and graphs make for a clean design and show how the company is committed to focused growth.

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